Adinett Nsabimana is an American citizen actress/writer, born in a small African country named Burundi. She's fluent in 5 languages and currently perfecting her Spanish.

Most of her childhood was spent in the Burundi/Rwanda genocide war, mostly escaping as seen in the Oscar nominated film “Hotel Rwanda”.

At 13, her family escaped to Texas via Asylum. With her second chance at life, she spent her school years training, competing and performing in Theater, Improv, Dance and Sports.

She now works and resides in Los Angeles, currently developing a film about her experience as a military wife. She can be seen in national commercials, TV shows, Indie films while looking for the perfect PROCEDURAL show such as “High Potential” or “Paradise” portraying characters such as the “says it like it is, authoritative cop who never takes life too seriously”, or the perfect single cam SITCOM as “the fun soccer mom who brings other moms mimosas at their kids’ soccer game”.